Friday, July 01, 2005

Alter (Humble) Ego

One of my close friends, Parin, has been after my life to have my own blog and start posting. Me too, was getting that itch to start writing as my thoughts were getting pushed up into my mind stack that can throw an exception anytime now.

Though for many days I kept wondering, about what could be so appropriately "cool" or "witty" that would deserve a mention in my first post. Possibly Parin too was stuck at the same stage before he gave up and wrote something very lousy to start with. But crap, why should it be something that has to impress others. Anyway, here I am, writing something which I felt quite strongly about and got that unbearable itch to take it off my mind.

I am sitting in this cab right now and penning it all down (yes will get a notebook soon). For the record its running at 82kmph on the expressway and heading to Mumbai. I am off to Mumbai for an official trip and would want to show off by mentioning (in bold) that I will be putting up in the TAJ President for a day.

I am still in that transition phase of my life where I try to adjust in the work/corporate culture and wonder how I miss my student life. Anyway this is the first time that I am on an official trip (with IBM approved cab and putting up in an IBM approved Hotel)

The moment I left my desk to reach to the waiting cab in the office parking space, the driver of the cab (Gurinder from Patiala) got up from where he was sitting and...

Gurinder: Good Evening Sir.. Good Evening Sir.. Opens the back door of the cab.. Please Sir...

Me not expecting such a greeting, thus taken aback, maintaining my composure and with a sir kind of attitude...said, Thanks

I could not swallow of what just happened. Well, I wasn't totally shocked or anything but this had never happened to me before.

Alter Ego: Tush, cut the crap.. and concentrate on stuff you going to Mumbai for..

Being from a humble and a middle class family I had never had such a luxury and this style of living. Just then this thought passes by me.. What the hell have I done to earn such a respect.. or watever.. Have I really done something great apart from Sloggin hard for my exams, or is it just my parent's effort in my upbringing..

Alter Ego: Tush, why do you go on such senti trips.. come back.. to reality... get used to this shit.. this is the life you'll be leading now...

Will I be able to stay in touch with such down to earth attitude (which I am trying to lose after every passing day)

Alter Ego: Mother of all ... J.. Christ.. dont be such a ....

Well I dont know, nor do I want to know!! But yes, I am sure that after 5 years when I read this post, it'll be interesting to know the thoughts of ME or my Alter (not so humble) Ego's on the same. I'll be grinning for sure..

Parin, here is something you were waiting for, but dude, may be not upto your witty expectations. You can leave some witty comments though :-).

Holy shit.. I have my own blog.. :)

PS: Treated Gurinder on the way back at McDees. More about TAJ and that official stuff soon.


Anonymous said...

All i have to say is lucky Gurinder. Atleast u treated him a MAC.In the threee years i know u you have never treated me a MAC :(

Anyway congrats on getting ur blog up and running

Anonymous said...

INDEED, a gud start Tushi..Waitin to hear more from you.
U treated Gurinder hard to beleive though..


Anonymous said...

hi ,

please post some more we love hearing u